A Guide for Temporary Workers

With global events changing our everyday existence, there has been an urgent plea for thousands of British workers to help feed the nation.

The industry is encouraging people to apply for paid positions on local farms across the UK to help pick and pack fruit and vegetables to cover the jobs usually carried out by seasonal migrants. 

Why this is happening could be due to travel restrictions and tighter border controls as many of the 70,000 seasonal employees on British farms every year reportedly come from abroad.

The government has classified food supply chain workers as ‘key workers’ and it is essential that these workers are recruited to help maintain the supply chain and get fresh fruit and vegetables from the field on the farm to the shops.

Equally as important is ensuring these workers understand the risks and hazards associated with farming and how easy it can be to have a serious accident on a busy farm.
For this reason, we have created a third in our new series of Staying Safe on the Farm guides;

A Guide for Temporary Workers – DOWNLOAD HERE

This simple, easy to read guide highlights the key risks and dangers on farms today and outlines simple ways to stay safe and farm safe. The guide sits alongside our Guide for Parents and Guide for Young Farmers published earlier this week.
stephanie_berkeley_zl4u2oa9A Guide for Temporary Workers