Farm Safety Week 2017

Coming Soon – Farm Safety Week 24-28 July 2017

According to the latest figures released by HSE this week, of the 137 work-related fatalities in the UK during 2016/17, 27 were on farms, the same number of workers as the previous year! This is sobering news as, once again, our industry came out worst when considering the number of deaths per 100,000 workers employed,

NFU Mutual we're championing rural communities

Responsible Business Week 2017

NFU Mutual – Responsibly Saving Lives on Farms This month’s blog is a guest blog from our funders NFU Mutual as part of Business In The Community’s Responsible Business Week 24-28 April 2017.   ‘I’d rather lose my job than my life!’ The moving words of 17-year-old Jack Sutherland from South Staffordshire College, as the

YFC seaside banner

Torquay 2017: Your Survival Guide

So you’re planning on heading to Torquay next weekend? Hanging out with old friends, meeting new ones, seeing your favourite BBC Radio 1 DJs, competing and partying on the English Riviera. It doesn’t get much better! Now I’m sure you’ve already researched and booked where you’re staying and are now thinking about what to wear,


Help Victoria to Victory…

Victoria Gardiner (Mouse) is 28 years old and is a fourth generation farmer on her family farm in South Essex. This year she has accepted the crazy challenge to tackle 2 triathlons and 3-4 mud runs in aid of The Farm Safety Foundation. As she explains “Most of my friends know when we go out

Ed Ford

Welcome Ed Ford, Chair of NFYFC Council

This month we are delighted to welcome guest blogger Edward Ford, newly appointed Chair of Council NFYFC. Ed, who is a member of Chelmsford YFC, part of the Essex County Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, has pledged to revisit farm safety and work with the Five Nations alongside Yellow Wellies to spread the reach of

Blue Monday headline

Happy Monday!

Happy New Year – 2017… Here we are, children of the digital age, for whom time moves at warp speed and memory clings to nothing and yet, two weeks later, we somehow manage to remember the relatively insignificant occasion of a single-digit change. Sure, I can’t remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, but I’m