By fundraising for us, you are helping us to raise awareness of farm safety and mental health among young farmers and hopefully reduce the number of avoidable deaths on our farms – and that really is a huge deal. Thank You.

Fundraisers are a really important part of our team and we will try our best to offer support and encouragement if you decide to support us.

There are lots of ways to support the charity, but the simple ones are usually the best! We’ve had all sorts – from young farmers baring all for a nude calendar, a sponsored headshave and tractor rides, to beard growing, cheese sales and charity balls. Or simply buying our yellow wellies badges and keyrings.

If you do want to arrange a fundraising event please ensure you make the event more about fun than pain so please select something that suits you, your lifestyle and your target. Don’t overstretch yourself and remember to enjoy it –after all that’s what it’s all about!

Our fundraising pack is full of tips and tricks to make fundraising for us a little easier. From tips to getting started, inspiration and resources, we hope that this pack helps you along the way…

If you’re not keen on collecting money in person, a good option would be to set up an online donation page, which allows donors to support you by using  credit or debit cards. It’s so simple to set up and, as the money is paid directly to the Farm Safety Foundation, you don’t have to worry about holding cash or coppers!

For more information visit

If you prefer to send a cheque to cover the funds you raise, please make it payable to “Farm Safety Foundation” and send it to: Farm Safety Foundation, C/o NFU Mutual Insurance Society Ltd, Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 7BJ

And, it may seem a bit obvious but, please make sure whatever you do meets legal and safety standards and that you have the right permissions and insurance in place.

If you have any questions about fundraising for the Farm Safety Foundation, drop us an email at and we will do our best to help.

dan parrFundraise For Us