Supporting people in Scottish Agriculture

Today we catch up with Nina Clancy, Chief Executive of RSABI, a charity dating back to 1897 and providing financial and practical support and friendship to over 600 individuals and their families across a range of occupations with the common theme of working on the land in Scotland.

Nina Clancy, Chief Executive, RSABI

As we are all too aware, press coverage of agricultural issues often forgets a key element of the industry – the people behind it all. Those hard-working individuals who want nothing more than to produce the best food for the rest of the population but this is where RSABI comes in…

RSABI supports people in Scottish Agriculture and the past year has demonstrated that there are growing numbers of families in agriculture struggling for all sorts of reasons. The pressures can be similar to others; poverty, businesses struggling to make ends meet and excessive stresses making it hard to cope with the pressures of everyday life however, there are also those sudden shocks and disasters – such as a serious health diagnosis or a farm accident (which there are far too many of) – that mean demands for RSABI’s services are growing…

So what if this is you?

RSABI is a service to help you, to help people move forward. We help by listening, supporting people to make a plan and action it. There are so many ways we can help. For example, we can access business reviews via the Farm Advisory Service to look for opportunities when the business isn’t doing so well. We can access counsellors for those that are struggling with poor mental wellbeing until NHS services are available. Our helpline calls out as well as receiving calls in, which has proved a valuable addition to our service as those that are struggling may call once but don’t always have the motivation to call back.

This is your service, so please use us.
We are receiving 25-30 new clients every month so please be assured that you are not alone.

If you are struggling or know someone who is, pick up the phone and call our helpline 0300 111 4166 or visit

stephanie_berkeley_zl4u2oa9SOURCES OF SUPPORT – RSABI Scotland