ROAD SAFETY WEEK 2024 – Harry’s Story

Did you know that more than half of fatal crashes in the UK happen on rural roads? Once again, we are proudly supporting Road Safety Week organised by Brake from 17-23 November. As a charity whose strapline is “Who Would Fill Your Boots?” this year’s theme – After The Crash – was something that particularly

Protecting Your Life and Your Livelihood

We all know how crucial it is to prevent incidents on farms, but we also know that unexpected events can still happen. So, this Farm Safety Week we’re asking you to think about the ‘What ifs?’ What if you had a life-changing incident? How would it affect both you and your family financially and how

Ryan’s Story

Your eyes are one of the most important organs of the body. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most delicate and susceptible to injury. Let’s face it, they’re a wee bit squishy. Safety glasses and goggles go a long way in protecting our eyes from excessive light stimulation, UV rays, and foreign objects. Doing activities

Holding Out For A Hero…

As we reflect on 10 years of Farm Safety Week, we can all acknowledge that we have had 10 years of shocking headlines, 10 years of life-changing and life-ending injuries and 10 years of heartbreak for farming families across the UK and Ireland, but there is another side to it… Behind the scenes, there is

More Than Lip Service

Comment by Alma Jordan – Founder AgriKids In 2014 news of the deaths of two young children on their family farms was to have profound impact on me. The deaths were in days of each other, I was heartbroken for the families and hoped that they had a strong network of friends and community around to support

Tomos’ Story

Keeping  children safe on farms has always been a challenge and it is an issue that has been debated for as long as Farm Safety Week has been running . Sadly, despite the best efforts of parents to keep their children safe, accidents can occur with tragic unpredictable events  having far-reaching consequences and devastating results. One

Welcome to the 10th Annual Farm Safety Week

Comment by Stephanie Berkeley, Manager, Farm Safety Foundation The results are in and, according to the HSE Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing in GB Report 2021/22 published today, 25 people  including a 9-year old child, lost their lives on our farms over the past year. This may be an improvement on last year’s

Listen Up!

This week we have discussed the appalling safety record in the industry and also some of the ways we can start to improve things but are we really hearing the messages that are being shared? Today’s theme is the ‘health’ in Health & Safety and one area that we often overlook until it’s too late

hay bales

Get Sun Smart

Working in the sun could lead to one death and around five new cases of melanoma skin cancer a week in the UK. Whilst construction workers have the highest number of fatalities, working in agriculture is second highest and accounts for 23% of these deaths. That’s around one farm worker every month dying from skin

A ‘farmer’s tan’ may be a joke to some…

…but sun damage is no laughing matter. Agriculture is an industry where many workers don’t bother their doctor unless they are seriously ill so levels of ill-health are unclear. However, according to HSE, in 2020, 13,000 farm workers suffered from work-related ill health. Musculoskeletal injury (back pain, sprains or strains) is over three times the