How R.A.B.I. can help…

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I) is farming’s oldest and largest charity, a key supporter of Mind Your Head, last year around 13% of R.A.B.I’s new referrals cited ‘mental health issues’ as a contributing factor to their problems. Although the charity does not offer professional counselling services, it can provide important financial assistance to people

David’s Story

“I had the farm and the family I’d always wanted but something was not right. I was not happy,” explained David… Over the years, David’s problems worsened and he felt he had ‘hit the bottom and crashed’ after a string of unfortunate circumstances befell his farm. He described a difficult time when his ewes were

Keeping it relevant

Today’s guest blog comes from Paul Burrows, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I) Chief Executive. Paul outlines how a charity that has been around since 1860 is continuing to support the farming community in England and Wales and how they are working closely with other key organisations compassionately and discreetly to tackle the issue of mental