What can you do? Lantra’s commitment

At our recent 10th anniversary conference, we challenged those attending, to stop talking and start taking action to address farming’s safety challenges.  One organisation who attended the conference reached out – almost immediately – to say they had a plan and they wanted us to get involved.

Marcus Potter, CEO , Lantra

Marcus Potter, CEO at Lantra, one of the UK & Ireland’s leading awarding bodies for training in the land-based industries outlines their immediate course of action…

It is a sad part of my otherwise brilliant job, to receive all too regular notifications of farming fatalities. The same handful of causes, like falls from heights, overturning vehicles, and crushing by either cattle or falling objects, account for the majority of incidents.

But despite knowing the causes, little or no progress has been made in reducing the number of deaths. Perhaps the tide is turning; recent findings from the Farm Safety Foundation might indicate a long overdue change in attitudes towards safety and risks. Out of 747 farmers interviewed, 57% of those under 40 want more health and safety training. Even among the over-40s – traditionally a harder-to-reach group – 34% want more H&S training.

They spoke and we are answering…

I am delighted to announce from today, Friday 26 July 2024, Lantra is making its Farm Safety eLearning available free of charge.

The course covers all the most common causes of death and serious injury. It explains what farmers need to do to work safely and meet their legal responsibilities. Approximately two hours long, it is split into easily digestible modules, full of practical information and guidance.

The good news is that most of the measures needed to stay safe are not about expensive equipment. They are about, being aware of risk, adopting safe working practices, being properly trained for the job at hand, and knowing your limits.

Lantra is pleased to be supporting the industry and the Farm Safety Foundation, let’s hope that together we can turn the dial on farm safety and significantly cut the number of deaths and serious injuries that devastate individuals, their families, their workplaces and the farming community.

To access Lantra’s FREE eLearning CLICK HERE

stephanie_berkeley_zl4u2oa9What can you do? Lantra’s commitment